Meeting of 8 December, 2018 | Libertarian Party of San Francisco

Meeting of 8 December, 2018

Jawj Greenwald


Present: Nick Smith (Chair), Phil Berg, Jawj Greenwald, Starchild

Visitors: Chris Mendes, Steven Python, Skylar Reueh, Allan Sherzer, Ivan Veryadern (sp?)

Introductions. Attendees introduced themselves.

Reports. Chair Nick Smith fielded an email from tv producer John Stossel, seeking referrals for a possible program on SF’s YIMBY movement and the proposed developer-funded approach to housing the homeless. Nick suggested he contact Starchild and John Dennis. Starchild reported talking to Stossel, who ultimately did not come to film in SF. Nick also spoke with an NRA representative about a proposed local program, but this project died for lack of NRA funding. He continued to promote local We Do Better participation. He also reported current membership of 64, 21 lifetime and 43 regular.

The Treasurer reported, based on imput from the Chair’s internet access to both our Paypal site and the SF Federal Credit Union site, that we currently have $3,502.75 in Paypal and $1885.44 in the credit union account, plus a $50 membership check submitted at the meeting.

The Chair reported that the newsletter was emailed at the end of November to about 1,000 Libertarian sympathizers. It carried two articles -- one by Aubrey Freedman and one by Starchild.

California State Convention. The California LP convention will be held April 5-7 in Concord. Speakers include Patrie Friedman, William Weld, and someone from the LP of Uganda. Nick, Starchild and Allan Sherzer will go and have volunteered to serve on the Platform Committee.

Plans for January meeting. The January meeting, scheduled for January 19th from 1-5 pm at 5809 Howard St., will be our annual meeting for election of officers and 2019 program planning. Speakers will be: Lydia Ortega, a local Republican candidate; Clint Griess, local activist and life coach who worked on the campaigns of John Dennis and London Breed; and Dan Johnson, head of the We Do Better movement for a charitable tax credit bill. The theme will be activism and outreach.

Plans for panel discussion. We discussed plans and possible topics (both economic and focused on civil rights) for a panel discussion to be held sometime around late April. $100 was authorized to cover food and other costs of the event by unanimous vote.

Big Bad Bonds. Richard Michael, joining us by conference call, discussed the effect of changes in California bond law enacted on January 1, 2018.