Pride Week is over, and Libertarians were there. Over the years, Outright Libertarians have volunteered their time and resources to staff a vendor booth at Pride. Not only to outreach, but also to listen. How does a Libertarian respond to someone who says she would never vote Libertarian because she needs the protection from discrimination that government affords. Not an easy question, and the most sincre response we could offer was to suggest that if she would want to marry her partner, the government would simply say "no." How much time does a staff at the booth dedicate to a teen who realizes that what we are saying is not taught at his school -- all the time it takes to answer all his questions. How about the comment that Libertarians are "all white and rich?" Oh, that's an easy one--just look closely at who you are talking to!! So many stopped at the Outright booth, each with a story, a comment, a question. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet and talk to all of them.
Pride Outreach Team