Official Ballot Recommendations For Nov. 2, 2010 | Libertarian Party of San Francisco

Official Ballot Recommendations For Nov. 2, 2010

Vote NO on A: Earthquake Retrofit Bond ($46M)
Vote YES on B: City Retirement and Health Plans
Vote NO on C: Mayor Appearances at Meetings
Vote NO on E: Election Day Voter Registration
Vote YES on G: Transit Operator Wages
Vote NO on H: Elected Officials on Political Cmte
Vote NO on I: Saturday Voting
Vote NO on J: Hotel Tax Clarification and Increase
Vote NO on K: Hotel Tax Clarification / Definitions
Vote NO on L: Sitting or Lying on Sidewalks
Vote NO on M: Community Policing and Foot Patrols
Vote NO on N: Real Property Transfer Tax
Vote NO on AA: Vehicle Registration Fee




PROP. AA - Vehicle Registration Fee - County Transportation Authority


Adds a $10 vehicle registration fee to fund transportation related projects.


Vote: Yes – 0  No – 7




PROP. A Earthquake Retrofit Bond ($46,150,000) Mayor Newsom


$46 million bond to provide funds for seismic upgrade for some 2,800 multi-story residential buildings built before 974 and deemed to be soft story and likely to collapse in an earthquake.


Vote: Yes – 0  No - 7




PROP. B City Retirement and Health Plans - Jeff Adachi


Requires City employees to contribute towards their retirement fund


Vote: Yes – 6 No - 1


PROP. C Mayoral Appearances at Board Meetings - Chris Daly


The Mayor will attend one regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors each month.


Vote: Yes – 2 No – 6


PROP. D Non-Citizen Voting in School Board ElectionsDavid Chiu + 8 Sups.


Allow parents of children who are not citizens to vote in SFUSD board elections.


Vote: Yes - 4 No – 2 No Position - 2


PROP. E Election Day Voter Registration - Ross Mirkarimi + 7 Supervisors


Allows election day voter registration for local elections only.


Vote: Yes – 0 No – 6  No Position - 2


PROP. F Health Service Board Elections Sean Elsbernd + 9 Supervisors


To shorten on a one time basis the term of 1 Health board member from 5 years to three years and one member from 5 years to two years so the terms will expire in pairs in the future and can be filled in the same Board election.


Vote: Yes - 0 No – 0   No Position - 8



PROP. G Transit Operator Wagesaka Fix Muni Now – Sean Elsbernd


Requires Muni transit workers to negotiate their pay, benefits and work rules locally. Pay will not be based on average of two highest paid transit workers nationally.


Vote: Yes – 7 No - 0




PROP. H  Local Elected Officials on Political Party Committees - Gavin Newsom


Elected officials would not be allowed to be a member of County Central Committee.


Vote: Yes – 0 No – 5 No Position - 3


PROP. I  Saturday Voting - By signature gathering


Trial program to open 400 Saturday polling booths funds to be voluntarily donated.


Vote: Yes – 1 No – 6  No Position - 1


PROP. J  Hotel Tax Clarification and Temporary Increase By signature gathering


A 2% increase in the hotel tax to be sun-set in 2014.


Vote: Yes – 0   No – 7


PROP. K  Hotel Tax Clarification and Definitions - Gavin Newsom


The City hotel tax will apply to all hotel rooms regardless of how the rooms are reserved or occupied. On-line or airline reservation of rooms will apply to hotel tax.


Vote: Yes – 0 No - 7


PROP. L Sitting or Lying on Sidewalks - Gavin Newsom


No sit/lie on any public sidewalk citywide. Warnings will be given and those needing medical or mental assistance will be provided that assistance.


Yes – 2 No – 5  No Position - 1


PROP. M  Community Policing and Foot Patrols - John Avalos + 6 Supervisors


Each district police station will implement a beat foot patrol program consulting with local residents and store owners.  Special Note: If this ordinance receives more votes than sit/lie – sit/lie will not be implemented.


Vote: Yes - 2 No – 5 No Position - 1


PROP. N  Real Property Transfer Tax - John Avalos + 7 Supervisors


An increase of the real property transfer tax.


Vote: Yes - 0  No - 7