Resolution Condemning the Raid on Journalist Bryan Carmody's Home and Office
in Connection with the Leak of the Adachi Police Report
14 May, 2019
Whereas independent voices responsive to the people are needed in a democracy to inform the voters of abuses of power by those vested with authority;
Whereas California government code Section 54950 states, “the people in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for them to know and what is good for them not to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created”;
Whereas the California Constitution’s Sunshine Amendment, The California Journalist Shield Law, and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance establish principles of transparency in government and freedom of the press;
Whereas the circumstances surrounding the death of San Francisco public defender Jeff Adachi are a State and local affair outside the scope of the delegated powers of the Federal constitution;
Whereas the United States Supreme Court found in Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins that the California Constitution can establish broader rights and freedoms than enshrined by the first Amendment in the Federal Constitution;
Whereas secret grand juries, knockless searches on journalists, the seizure of their business and personal property, judge and venue shopping, and law enforcement threats create a chilling effect on freedom of the press in their service to the public;
Whereas law enforcement at all levels of government have a long and dark history of infringing on civil liberties through entrapment by process crimes such as “obstruction of justice”, and
Whereas in an age of internet publishing We are all journalists,
It is Resolved by the Libertarian Party of San Francisco to express its severe concern over press reports regarding SFPD and Federal raids on journalist Bryan Carmody and the seizure of the tools needed to earn his living;
It is Further Resolved a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the US Department of Justice, the San Francisco Police Department, the Office of the Mayor, and to news outlets in Northern California.
Mover: Thomas Busse, LPSF Secretary, [email protected]
Seconders: Nick Smith, LPSF Chair, [email protected]